Who am I ?

Who Am I ?

Name: Safin Ahmed
Age: 42 (Nov 15. 1981)
Birth Sign: Scorpio
Religion: Islam (By Birth)
Location: Muzon Taytay Rizal
Status: Single, Living Alone
Nationality: 100% Bangladesh 

Am I a Muslim? 

I was born in a Secular Muslim family. But as I grew older my values and perspectives changed a lot. I became sort of non-practicing Muslim eventually. After observing closely the different religioins and faith, I started to realize that the almighty God has different ways to judge our actions not just by the book. I may not be so actively religious, but my values are strong, and I still believe in one true God. Let me know if you need further clarifications. 


How to reach me?

WhatsApp: +639690665822

Why I am here?

A long long time ago, I met my first ever Filipina Girlfriend online (2003) via Yahoo messenger.  It was a long distance relationship for 3+ years and eventually  I moved to Philippines in 2007. Since then, I have been taken and untaken a few times, But finally, since August 2020 I started living on my own a purely single life. Why I am still here in Philippines? because I have a 13 yrs old Filipina daughter currently  living in Zambales with her grandparents. She is still very young and needs my presences, support and supervision. And besides I can’t find a good reason to leave her here – my sense of liabilities to my precious daughter wont let me leave Philippines as of now or for next few decades. And regardless of what happened in my past, I am still in search of my forever and I still kinda believe – my one true never-ending love belongs somewhere here in the Philippines, and I will surely bump into her somewhere someday. 


What Do I do?

I was not born workaholic but lately life got so busy with things I must do. I oversee operations of a Bangladeshi overrun clothing business. Also I have been working in BPO industry Since 2008. My actual office was located in Mandaluyong city – It’s a fun place and people to work with and I very much loved it. Since the pandemic started I work from home.  To feed my soul, I am a motorist (not a big bike) – I love taking small rides in nearby cities and  take pictures of sunset or sunrise. On weekends, often I am drowned myself with Soju (cannot tolerate hard drinks that much) and Netflix and/or sleep overdose. Recently I started to cook again – this has been my passion ever since. And lastly, I write blogs once or twice in a blue moon to express my deep thoughts. So, stay tuned – Who knows you might learn something new.

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